Leo Wywrot

February 14, 2023

Serena O’Brien

Leo Wywrot, junior, feels as though he’s been adopted into the family by one of his best friend’s dad, Patrich Jett.

“He treats me like a third son,” Wyrwrot said. “He considers me as a third son.”

Sometimes he has even been given the keys to the Jett house. The two met in fifth grade, when Wywrot and Jett’s son first became friends. 

“He is a figure of authority as a parent,” Wywrot said. “But he is still just a friend, and someone who I feel like I can hang out with.”

Wywrot often sees Jett when he goes over to visit his son, and sometimes accompanies the family on their trips to Glen Arbor in the summer. 

One memory with Jett that Wywrot remembers fondly was a highlight of one of those same trips. Jett ordered an entire cherry pie from the original Cherry Republic and challenged Wywrot, his two sons, and another friend to see how much pie they could eat. 

“I won,” Wywrot said.

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