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Tiny Story: Ruth Shikanov

Tiny Story: Ruth Shikanov

A conversation I’ll remember.

A conversation I’ll always remember

The hot, sticky air clung to my skin and the incessant buzzing of flies circulated around the food. We were having dinner with our neighbors, and with a melting ice cream sandwich in hand, I was half-listening to the conversations.

“Have you seen the millions of COVID-19 cases?”

“Who do you think will win the election?”

Then, the conversation shifted to climate change.

“I think we’re too far gone,” my neighbor said. “We’ve passed the point of no return.”

My stomach dropped — suddenly, I didn’t have an appetite anymore. I sat there quietly as my brain drowned in existential questions.

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About the Contributor
Ruth Shikanov
Ruth Shikanov, Print Editor-in-Chief
This is Ruth’s seventh semester on staff and first year as one of the Print Editors-in-Chief. You can typically find her commuting between her classes or doing homework, but in her free time, Ruth enjoys being outside, walking her dog, Juno, reading, going on runs near Bandemer and trying new recipes. She cannot wait for all of the amazing work that will be created in Room 300!