A Very Magical, Wonderful Market
At the corner nearest Sparrow Market, there is a sturdy, handmade wooden table set up every Wednesday and Saturday. There may even be children lined up to buy a shark’s tooth as their Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market souvenir. It’s in this corner Debbie Marx likes to have her work sparkle in the sunlight and catch the market-goer’s eye.
Marx is one of many annual vendors one can find on a Wednesday or Saturday market. She has been coming to the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market to sell her handcrafted jewelry for 22 years. Her love of stones began as a child when she and her family would travel up north and collect stones, which led her to study geology in college, and a job working in an automotive plant lead Marx to realize how much she enjoyed working with metals and stones. Once she discovered the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, Marx knew she found where should could sell her product. Marx is originally from Flint, Michigan. For 21 years she made the 150 mile round trip every market day. Now, Marx has made the move from her hometown to live in Ann Arbor.
Marx most frequently works on her old wicker card table that sits next to her bed, “which is the most humble of places,” Marx said. On the occasion, Marx will be passed boxes of stones that are perfect for her craft. “My studio is wherever I am. I don’t need machinery, I don’t need a special anything but my tool,” Marx said.
Over the years of being a part of the market, Marx began to fall in love with Ann Arbor. “I wanted to be in Ann Arbor more. When I would come to work I wouldn’t want to leave,” she said. So when the opportunity in her life presented itself, she took the chance and moved. “ I just love Ann Arbor. I love the opportunities here, and I love the artistic spirit. It’s wonderful, and it’s just strengthening as an artist to be here,” Marx said.
Even though she her relocation to Ann Arbor was fairly recent, Marx has always felt like part of a community at the Farmer’s Market. “The people are number one,” she said. “We all don’t have a lot of money, but we take care of each other.” The Farmer’s Market has become somewhat of a second home to Marx, “I actually went into labor here with my son, it was two days before Christmas so jokingly everyone says ‘oh tell us the story again about how Joey was almost born at the market,’” Marx said. Twenty-two years selling and interacting with customers, fellow vendors, and even just passersby have created memories that will last forever.
Marx has made annual vendor but longs for the seniority as an Ann Arbor Farmers Market jewelry vender. What she craves more are the opportunities and artistic spirit Ann Arbor and its citizens offer to her. It is the perfect environment for Marx to be inspired to create unique pieces of art. “It’s truly golden,” said Marx. “It’s a very magical, wonderful market,” Marx said.
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