CET Presents: Morgan Harvey
It all started as a seven-year-old. It was at vacation bible school with her cousins. Nobody can recall what she performed for her family members in the audience. She just knows that it sparked something in her, and it put her on the path to where she stands now. Morgan Harvey is head over heels for theatre.
Harvey is interested in more than just the acting, she enjoys every aspect of theatre. Some actors shy away from the physical work that goes along with theatre, but for Harvey it is all part of the experience. “I like all the hard work. I know it sounds weird but I do,” said Harvey. Each day the work will vary, from the daunting task of building a balcony to some simpler work like making signs to be used as props in the show. “You will have to look out for the signs I made for Bob!” Harvey said.
Harvey has been involved in Community Ensemble Theatre (CET) since her freshman year. This year’s CET play will be “Bob: A Life in Five Acts”. For Harvey, this seems like it was the right choice for Community. In her opinion CET’s last season was full of more dramatic and serious pieces, and Harvey is excited for some comedy. “It’s kind of a hilarious show.” Harvey said.
Working up to it’s opening night on Nov. 21, Harvey and her peers in CET have been committing their time after school and on the weekends. Each rehearsal or tech day averages 9 about five hours in length. Though it may seem like overkill, it is Harvey’s most comfortable place at Community. “I love my black box,” she said. “You can be so creative with it. It just creates such an intimate experience with your cast and crew and even your audience.”
In her four years of involvement in CET Harvey would only change one thing, the space. Though she loves the intimate experience the black box creates, Harvey admits that CET needs more space for props, costumes, and all the wood that helps build the incredible sets they build for each show. Any extra space would make the process a little easier, but even without CET manages to put on successful shows every season. Harvey wouldn’t trade her experience with CET for the space and booster clubs of the bigger theatre programs. All the members of CET have become a family in a sense, coming together every show and giving all their time and efforts. A collaboration of everyone in CET always makes a one-of-a-kind performance. Harvey’s memories of CET are as big as the stage is small.