CHS Jazz Concert at The Ark on May 12

This Monday, May 12, the CHS jazz program will hold its annual end-of-the-year concert at the Ark. This concert provides a way for the school to showcase all of its bands in a way that feels like a professional concert. The Ark, probably the most well-known music venue, helps to enhance the vibe of an upper echelon jazz show, and all the bands from Jazz I to Jazz IV get a chance to perform, so even if the students aren’t playing gigs yet, they still get that feeling.
Joel Appel-Kraut, a freshman in Jazz II, is excited for the upcoming concert. “It seems like it will be a really great time for everyone.” Patrick Eagle, a sophomore who is also in Jazz II, is excited to play drums on a latin tune, St. Thomas. The show also gives students the opportunity to showcase some less-known about talents. Aidan Cotner, a Jazz IV guitarist, is playing the bongos on one tune for his bands, even though they aren’t his primary instrument. Aidan feels lucky to get the chance to play at a cool venue that is not in school, and is very appreciative of the hard work Jack Wagner puts in to organize this event.
The setlist for the night is:
Jazz II (2 groups)
Kind of Blew It
Kerrytown Sound ft. Los Gatitos
Zoe Cutler’s Solo Extravaganza
CHS Student Poetry Interlude
Je Swing
Jazz I ft. Alexandra’s Mack the Knife reprise
Division Street Blues
Tickets are $5 and are available in the CHS main office. Shows are at 6 and 8 PM at The Art, and one ticket gets you into both shows.