High School Radio

Her bed, a laptop, an unlimited supply of songs and the creative freedom that no one can take away. That is, CHS Radio’s current president and Community High junior, Natalie Delph’s night every Monday from 8-9 p.m.
With the departure of past president and founder, Hazel O’Neil, CHS Radio took a bit longer getting back on its feet, but with some financial backing by Delph’s father it’s up and it’s rocking. With about nine members, including Delph, every night is occupied with a student or teacher DJ.
Although Delph hadn’t planned on being the club’s president, she has taken the role on with full force. “The next president was supposed to be Erez Dessel. He ended up being too busy because he is Forum Council president, he’s doing mock trial and stuff like that,” she said.
From buying a server, so they can broadcast over the internet, to getting students and staff to participate wholeheartedly and even finding funds to keep the club running. “At the beginning of the year [money] was a struggle, that’s why we didn’t start earlier,” she said. “We were like how are we going to get this money … but eventually I talked to my dad and he was like I can spring for $30 a month so that was really cool.”
Teacher advisor for Radio Club and CHS art teacher, Steve Coron, has continued this year with his own time slot. Every Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m. anyone who is listening will be thoroughly entertained with an hour of theme filled music. “I tried to send little messages to students through the music, like study hard, stay in school, be nice to people, you know,” he said. “… themes are fun because people can listen and maybe pick up on bigger ideas and messages. But, most of the time we just play what we like for fun!” Other shows range from Monday night rap with Delph to Tuesdays melting pot of genres with CHS junior Gloria Fall, just to name a few.
“It’s really cool and there’s something new playing every night and you never really know what you’re gonna get, which I think is exciting,” Delph said.
Even though their audience, comparatively, isn’t ideal with an average of 15 listeners a night, Delph and the other club members are working hard at getting the word out about CHS Radio. “I really just want everyone to listen to Radio Club. I feel like all the DJ’s have really cool things to say and really cool music to play,” Delph said. “I think it’s a pretty rare thing for a high school to have a radio club at least as far as I know.”
When she first joined CHS Radio, Delph didn’t expect to be sitting at home with her laptop, but she did know that music was something that she loves and wants to share with other people. “Music is something I can get really excited about and I want everyone to hear it,” she said. While Delph plays mostly rap, she also likes to search for new artists like Cro, who’s a german rap artist which Delph played during her last show. “He wears this panda mask all the time which is funny and he has this really hype music,” she said. “It’s in German so you can’t sing along, but it’s cool to listen to.”
Joining CHS Radio was a way for Fall to share her favorite music with the world, or at least the CHS student body. While other shows may have a set genre(s) or theme, Fall goes with the flow and chooses to play songs that match her mood. “I just like all music so it just depends on the mood I’m in on the Tuesday I’m playing music,” she said. For Fall, the number of audience members won’t stop her from sharing her favorite music.
“‘Song for Zula’ [by phosphorescent] is just one of my favorite songs and I really like the feel of female energy,” she said. “I think it’s so fun to play my music even if only one other person is listening.”
CHS senior Gabe Warschausky knew that he wanted to join last year, but instead decided to focus on his studies and join the next year. “I’ve wanted to [join] since last year when I was a junior. I love music, and, moreover, I love sharing music,” he said. Warschausky can be heard playing a wide range of different genres from a pre planned playlist that he takes time to perfect. “A single two-hour playlist takes me six hours total to create and refine,” he said. “I focus on transitions, vibe, beats per minute, etc., in order to create something I am happy with.”
During his last show on Jan. 15 he received a response from a CHS student who was stressed about a test the following day, but who decided to de-stress and listen to his radio show. “[The listener’s] experience perfectly describes the reaction I strive to receive,” he said. “Music is my escape from reality; music is my way of relieving stress. My playlists are designed to make the listener give 100 percent of their attention to what I am playing. ”
Whether he is playing “Ryn Weaver” by Octahate (Cashmere Cat Remix) or “French Kiwi Juice” (FKJ) by Instant Need — two of his favorite songs he has played — Warschausky wants people of all ages to listen and enjoy, even if means the CEO of Frontback, Frédéric della Faille, who saw a Frontback taken by Warschausky tunes in every once in awhile.
Although the future of CHS Radio has yet to be recorded, Delph, Coron and Fall all hope to continue sharing music and they’re hoping for big things. “We hope more student listen in and this thing grows!” Coron said. Since Warschausky will be graduating this year, he will not see what the future holds for CHS Radio, but he won’t forget what joining meant. “CHS Radio has given me an opportunity to share what makes me happy,” he said. “I am incredibly grateful for this.”