Victoria Laurette

  1. Victoria LauretteWho do you look up to and why?
    I definitely look up to my mom because she has been here for about 20 years, she moved from Russia, shes an immigrant, she has three children, and she’s a single mom. She’s just so strong and I look up to her because she is just so incredible.
  2. What do you look forward to most in the future?
    I’m excited to go to college and have college life and being able to be independent. I’ve been waiting for it for so long.
  3. What could happen to make your life easier?
    I feel like school is really tough and that time is just a big issue. I never have enough time for anything so more time would make things so much easier. It would be nice if time could just slow down.
  4. If you could send a message to the world in thirty seconds what would you say?
    I would say that everyone needs to take a minute to slow down and think about things before they do them.
  5. If you could change one thing about the world what world what would it be?
    The color of the sky. It’s been blue for 17 years of my life. I would like it to be one of the baby tone colors like light pink or light blue or other light colors.