Rape Culture Perpetuated


A study done in 2007 and 2009, published in the NASPA journal, found that women in sororities are 74 percent more likely to experience rape than other college women.  But why do these women suddenly become more vulnerable? Rape culture has become institutionalized within the Greek Life.

The damaging silence concerning sexual assault almost seems expected of victims belonging to sororities. It has been cultivated and maintained for years now.

University of Virginia was recently investigated on account of a fraternity gang rape allegation. According to a study done in 2014, almost 40 percent of women who attend the University of Oregon and belong to a sorority said that they have experienced rape or non- consensual sexual contact. The relationship between Greek life and rape culture is troubling, yet recognizable.

Rape culture is when consent is undervalued, and sexual assault is trivialized and normalized. Victims of rape are taught to avoid being attacked, instead of rapists being taught not to rape. When a victim of rape speaks out about what has happened to them, the accusation can often be referred to as “overreacting” or a straight up lie.

A study in done in 1989 confirmed that hazing rituals were used in fraternities in the initiation of new members. Practices such as hazing create a stigma that aggression and violence are admissible, physical abuse is used to create compliance and a ground which rape is based on. In this way, fraternity boys can be more intrusive and aggressive, while sorority girls can be more vulnerable.

The relationships that fraternities and sororities have, is one of allegiance and support. A sorority girl accusing a fraternity boy of rape goes against the affiliation. The pressure that is put on girls in sororities to not speak up about assault isn’t spoken of among the members, but it seems standard. If a boy from a fraternity sexually assaults a girl from a partner sorority, he undeniably understands the consequences she will face if she chooses to press charges. This girl would be trying to disassociate herself with whom her sorority associates themselves. She would be making herself an outsider of a group that she has put so much effort into being involved. Nobody wants to be the reason a relationship with a fraternity is compromised.

Large-scale parties can be an “ideal” place for predatory behavior. Fraternities are a competitive, testosterone-driven environment; when they are fueled by alcohol and casual sex, sexual assault occurs.

Rape allegations put more than just a rapist in bad light. They put whole organizations, or groups of people under scrutiny. The public blames the victim, calls the victim a liar and isolates the victim. How can we expect anybody to have the courage to speak out, when their seemingly close friends and outlets turn out to be nothing more than a disbelieving, dissenting, skeptical opinion.

All sororities and fraternities are not structured the same way. There are many houses that have openly spoken out against rape and rape culture. This being said, even if every house incorporated these aspects and views, the foundation would never be destroyed. Sexual assault and rape culture would still be prevalent. This age old system is thwarting future generations. It’s time to focus on teaching men not to rape, and embracing the victims of rape in a healing, understanding way.