Merideth Freiheit

  1. If you could go back in time what’s one thing you would change about the past?Merideth Freiheit
    I suppose I would have applied to Ann Arbor Open earlier on in my education because schools like Ann Arbor Open and Community have really been like eye opening and really a self-changing experience for me, and I just wish that I would’ve been introduced to this environment a little bit earlier.
  1. What is your favorite thing to do during the winter season?
    I really like it when there’s a snow storm outside and you turn on the fireplace, wrap up in a blanket, and do nothing.
  1. What is one thing that you would never give up on and why?
    The future that I’ve always dreamed of. All of the goals that you made for yourself while you were younger then as you get older and you realize that they’re kind of ridiculous and that you’ve just gotta keep going? Im not going to keep going.
  1. What is the nicest thing that you’ve ever done for someone?
    One of my best friends Marta threw me my 16th birthday party at her house, and she organized the whole thing, invited all of my friends, made a bonfire, had a picnic and arranged the entire thing. Just for me. I hope to one day to the same thing for her.
  1. What is your favorite kind of tea?
    I had this kind of obscure green tea from Taiwan where it looks dry and you put like poor the water in and it grows and rehydrates and it looks like a little forest at the bottom of your cup. It’s actually really flavorful and it’s really cool.