Dylan Stephens

  1. If you could meet someone famous who would it be?
    I don’t know about this one. I would probably meet Jerry Garcia and ask him about his ice cream, Cherry Garcia.Dylan Stephens
  2. If you could teleport anywhere, where would you go?
    Probably to the moon because I’ve been to a lot of places in the world and I could go anywhere, but I’m probably not going to go to the moon.
  3. What is your best memory?
    My best memory was a couple years ago when I went to France. My cousin has a house there and they had a bunch of apricot trees and I would just sit on the tree and eat apricots all day and they were so good. Probably the best apricots I’ve ever had.
  4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    Probably owning a farm, living on it, growing plants. Maybe apricots but those are seasonal.
  5. If you could have three wishes what would you wish for?
    I’d wish for world peace, my own private island and to be able to transform into other animals.