Jack Cassel


What’s one thing you want to do before you graduate?

That’s hard… Probably get a lead role in CET. Cause I’ve liked doing theater for a long time, and I’d be really fulfilling to get a lead role. It’s one of my aspirations.

Michigan or Michigan State and why?

Well I lived near Lansing for the first 13 years of my life, but honestly, my sister went to Michigan, so I’ve got to say Michigan.

Favorite winter drink?

Hot chocolate. No question.

Favorite social media [platform]?

Facebook is trash, Twitter is stupid, uh… Tumblr is garbage. I like Instagram.

What’s the best joke you’ve heard in the past week?

Oh my gosh, okay. I can’t remember any…

Make up a stupid joke, then.

What’s the difference between a lobster with boobs and a dirty bus station?
One’s a crusty bus station, one’s a busty crustacean.