Murals of Community
Angel Rich, Senior (Currently painting Marcy’s door)
How did you start painting this?
I was asked by Marcy to paint her door because I did Chloe’s door. She would always come out and see me doing it, so she really wanted hers done as well. So instead of doing the exact same thing, mandalas are the style I like, she wanted me to do something related to FOS. So why not do the FOS logo? I really like it. It’s just definitely a lot different of a style than I like, but I still like the colors. It’s gonna be bright and everything.
When do you hope to have it finished?
I have to have it finished by May 18. Hopefully it’ll be there.
Colleen Frantz, Junior
What is your favorite mural?
I like the new one, that’s down there, right by the media center lab. The circle one. It’s really fresh and new. I think some of them are starting to look kind of old, and so I think it was a nice facelift to the hallway.
Natsume Ono, Senior
What is your favorite mural?
There’s a skateboarding one, on the first floor. That one’s pretty cool. I don’t really remember much about it. It’s such an action shot I feel that I‘ve always looked at it and tried to find out what kind of pose it was.
Jamie Norton, Junior
What is your favorite mural?
I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it. I like that one right there (pointing to flower on third floor). It’s very colorful and simple, but in a good way.
Do you have any others you like?
The jazz singers outside the jazz room. I like jazz.