Jack Wagner

What do you appreciate the most in your friends?

In my friends? Hm, I think ah, support and having a good time. Being relaxed, hanging out, humor. Those kinds of things.


What is your idea of happiness?

My idea of happiness, I think its, its its going to be a balance of having contentedness with things going on in you life like your family and your relationships. My wife my kids my friends my co workers my students. Having all of that go fairly well so that your having good interactions with everybody. You know where people are growing and enjoying being together. So yeah, it’s about relationships really I think and also not having like stagnation, like moving forward artistically or with my career. You know like, always getting a little bit better and having things to strive for and having goals. That stuff is all really important too. You know beyond the basics, food shelter and all that stuff. You’ve gotta have that too.


If not yourself who would you be?

Chris Potter, great saxophone player.


Where would you like to live?

Oh,  Ann Arbor.


Who are your heroes in real life?

Any great artists that are really just out there, putting their art out.


What characters in history do you dislike the most?

Dislike the most? Oh goodness. Hitler. The terrorists from 9/11


What is your favorite food and drink?

Yeah, probably coke and probably food wise like soul food.


What do you hate most?



What is the natural talent you would like to be gifted with?

To sing, to be able to sing, oh god yeah.


What is your present state of mind?

I’m a little disheveled. I’m upside down I just moved we have the start of the year so I, I’m a little disheveled.