Shooting for the Stars

Grace Jensen

Kaleb Doughten-Priska, CHS junior, performs a dance routine.

Thousands of audience members extended their jaws and cheered as loud as they could.

All for Kaleb.

All for a three-year-old boy walking into his first dance class, unknowing of the love he would develop for dance.

Cannons exploded and released hundreds of multicolored confetti pieces.

All for Kaleb.

All for a fifteen-year-old boy standing on a stage covered in tears after having reached a lifelong goal.

Kaleb Doughten-Priuska hadn’t entered the Future Stars talent show with his heart set on winning. He was only a sophomore, and he knew it would be unrealistic, especially given that he was competing against so many other talented acts.

Kaleb entered the show for the adrenaline rush he gets when he performs what he loves to do: dance.

“There’s nothing like hearing people roar like they did,” he said.

There was never a moment in Kaleb’s life where he wanted to quit dancing, it’s what he wants to do for the rest of his life. He’s tried soccer, volleyball, track, cross-country, but his passion has always been dance. Kaleb is bored when he’s not dancing.

Kaleb waited on stage with five other performers near the end of the final show. The winner was determined through applause from the audience. The winner’s name was announced.

Kaleb could barely move–that’s how tight the group hug was. He felt as though he was almost being thrown around. The moment was very loud and fast, and Kaleb hardly knew what was happening.

It was only until the next day that his accomplishment had really sunk in. Kaleb’s name had been announced. Kaleb won Future Stars.