Huron Wins Field Hockey State Finals


The cold afternoon of Oct. 28. held the most anticipated game of field hockey of the year. Ann Arbor Huron faced Dexter in the Division 1 field hockey state finals on Hurons home field.

Going into this game, Huron had won every game but one where they had tied with Pioneer, last year’s state champions. During this season, Dexter had won 8, tied once, and lost 8 times during the season.

During the state final game, junior Minna Tremonti scored the first goal for Huron in the first five minutes putting them in the lead. Not long after, junior Kylie Richards scored Dexter’s the first goal for the game, tying it up. At half time, spectators was on the edge of their cold, metal seats.

With 10 minutes left of the whole game, Allison Saab, scored the second and final goal for Huron, putting them back into the lead. The final score was Huron High School: 2, Dexter High School: 1.

“I felt like we dominated and that we played well and that was what I wanted to do,” said the Huron coach, Lauren Hall. “We have been in game situations before where we dominated and but don’t score a goal.” said the Huron coach, Lauren Hall.

This past season, the varsity team had a total of 16 players: two seniors, eight juniors, one sophomore, and five freshmen. Since the Huron field hockey team only has two seniors, Coach Hall is hoping for a large number of people to play next year.

“We will just rebuild and work on our fitness and our skills and just hope that we are back here again next year,” said Coach Hall.