Athlete Q&A: Lucy Scott

Varsity Pioneer Field Hockey player Lucy Scott pictured with her eye on the ball mid-game. Taken by Andy Brush.

Name: Lucy Scott

School: Pioneer

Sport: Field Hockey

Team: Varsity


When did you start playing and why?

I started playing in third grade for a Rec & Ed team because my friend, who is now one of my best friends, was going to be doing it, and her mom told my parents that I should do it too, and I basically said ‘why not?’ Then I just did it for fun throughout elementary school, but then in 6th grade I joined Pinnacle Field Hockey. I didn’t really join it to be on a travel team, but more or less because they have clinics, and winter and summer sessions, which I thought was cool because it gave me more time to hang out with my friends and my other field hockey teammates. But then I got invited to a tournament, and I thought it was just a one-time thing, but now I’ve played in about every tournament since then, and am looking to play in college.


Why do you continue to play?

For one thing I just really like the sport, but then another reason is that I really like the people that I’ve met through field hockey and the relationships I’ve built. I can always look forward to going to practice after school, even though I know we’re going to be doing something really hard, like a workout, but I know that I’m going to be there with my teammates and well be going through it together. And were all working towards the same goal which is really important. In school you and your other classmates are trying to get the same results but you aren’t exactly working together, but in sports you’re all working together to be the best you can be as a team.


What is your weekly commitment for your high school team?

During the school days I have two hour practices every day, or we have usually two or three games a week. If it’s a home game it’s usually a two to three hour commitment, but if it’s an away game it can be up to being six hours. One time we had to play in Grand Rapids, which is two hours away, and that took around six or seven hours.


What is your weekly commitment for your travel team?

During the high school season we don’t practice at all, but then after high school season we usually have one practice a week, and then sometimes more when we’re leading up to a tournament.


What is the worst moment in your high school career?

I feel like it would probably be when we lost to Dexter after a shootout in the State semifinals last year, because it had been a really close game the whole time, and we had been playing really well, and the people on the team were all super important to me and it just really hurt when we lost. I was really close with a lot of the seniors on the team, so it really took a blow on me when we lost. I remember it hit me so hard that I ended up crying afterwards.


What was the best moment of your high school career?

I don’t think I really have any best moment, like any big ‘make or break’ play, but I think my favorite moments are the little things that you don’t really think about. The feeling of running back and chest bumping your goalie after you score a goal, or the feeling of knowing that you just made a good save. But if I had to choose one moment that stood out from the rest, it would probably be when we were playing Saline High School earlier in the year. They were first in the state, and they had a shot that I managed to hit out with my stick right before it went into the goal, and it kept us in the game.


What do you want to do in the future with the sport?

For now, I’m just going to continue playing high school field hockey. I’ve got one more season after this one, and then I have travel as well. I hope to do well in the tournaments that we’ll play in, and we also get to travel to a lot of interesting places, which is a lot of fun to explore. But after that I hope to play in college, maybe something like a division three liberal arts college.