From emo onward


A picture from Perry’s instagram account of her guitar, with a caption from a “The Smiths song. Perry has played guitar for almost a year.

Gillian Perry strums her bright red guitar and looks up at the ceiling as she plays the opening chords to “Allison” by Elvis Costello. “It has a slinky guitar line.” Perry said. “Ever since we were little, dad used to play all his songs in the car. My favorite was “The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes.”

Gillian has been cultivating an interest in new wave music for the past year. Before that, she took a break from the songs of her youth, choosing instead to listen to “emo” music, such as “My Chemical Romance.” she had short teal hair and often chose to wear graphic tee shirts with the names of her favorite bands.

Nowadays, Gillian distains her past self. “It was a tactless style choice” Perry said. “Far inferior to my Elvis Costello pin collection.” On her father’s old green army jacket that she nabbed, Gillian has pinned three Elvis Costello pins. One is lenticular printed and neon green, showcasing his album “Spike” on one side, and on the other, a picture of his face painted like a clown.  

Costello is not the only musician Perry likes. Her interest in what she calls “New Wave” started with the band “The Cure” and moved on to other artists from that era. She plays songs by “The Smiths” “Oingo Boingo” and “The Velvet Underground.’” as well. “I’m gonna be the next David Byrne.” Perry said.

Though the songs she listens to are not on America’s top 40, Gillian does not care if her music taste isn’t popular. In fact, she prefers it. “I like to feel like an individual.” Perry said. “It kinda freaks people out sometimes.”

Last August, Perry got to go to a David Byrne concert in Detroit. Perry spent 70$ of her own money to go. She sat up on the balcony and stood up for her favorite songs. “It was one of the only concerts I’ve ever been really excited for.” Perry said.