Jillian Boynton
“I think it’s about race because I’m mixed and people just see me and my dad and they’re like, ‘What? That’s not his kid.’ So I think I want people to know that I am black but my dad is white and that’s part of who I am also. Being biracial is just hard because [of] the disconnection between [races]. The fact that people just assume my dad isn’t my dad. It’s so frustrating when we walk into somewhere and [we are asked], ‘Are you paying separately or are you here together?’”
About the Writer

Ella Rosewarne, Print Editor-in-Chief
Ella is a senior at CHS and entering her second year as a Print EIC. In journalism, she is excited for the year and all the amazing work that will be created together! In her free time, she is a mermaid (don't tell anyone though!) She loves spending time outside, hiking, hammocking and hanging out. As the weather starts to change, she is getting excited for fall colors and corn mazes!