FoCo continues committee work


On Monday Dec. 10, Forum Council (FoCo) met to continue committee work. Before splitting into committees, the representatives watched the middle school recruitment video that was created last year by now graduated student Emma Hoffman.

The middle school recruitment committee met with advisor Matt Johnson to discuss plans for middle school visits. The group decided they will meet with members from other clubs at school on Dec. 12 to plan further.

The building renovation committee met with the FoCo Co-President Katelyn Miller and Vice President Lucy Tobier to discuss ways to get student input on what needs to be renovated with the money from the recently passed $1 billion bond.

The final committee was led by Co-President Julia Sonen and discussed how Multi Culti day went, as well as how to improve it for next year. The discussion about the coming school year is beginning now to make sure that nothing is rushed next year. 

All three committees will meet as part of next week’s FoCo meeting, although currently middle school recruitment is the most time sensitive topic.