Three to Read

“When Life Felt Normal: Your Pre-Pandemic Moments” The New York Times

This news piece is a collection of pictures pre-COVID19 of happy moments from readers of the New York Times. Pictures include birthday parties, pictures with friends and family pictures, that serve as a reminder of the time before the pandemic.

“One Good Thing: Inspirational messages bloom amid outbreak” By Dan Sewell, Associated Press

In Seattle, New York and more cities across the U.S. inspirational messages have been popping up on the streets. Even in this time, people all over, spread hope to everyone through sidewalk chalk, spray-painted signs and signs on movie theaters.

“For years, she’s made prom dresses for Chicago students in need. This year, she’s making face masks.” By Sophie Sherry, Chicago Tribune

Christel Williams-Hayes has sewn prom dresses for many high schoolers for years. This year she had already met with kids and picked out the fabric. Now she is making masks for people in her community. This is just one of the countless acts of selflessness strangers have done for others over the past few months.