Unselfie: Zara Greene


At first, I was really disappointed about having to quarantine because I knew that meant that I’d be missing out on my long-awaited senior year. I had been craving sitting in the senior sections at football and basketball games, prom, the spork game, having in-person classes with mostly seniors and close friends, as well as much more. Though 2020 and 2021 didn’t get to see these events, I feel like quarantine has provided me with something just as valuable. I was given time. Time to think about all the things I had pushed to the back of my mind and tried my best not to think about. It’s forced me to understand myself better without constant outside influences and distractions. Although quarantine has taken away much of what I was looking forward to, I appreciate the time that I’ve had to reflect on myself and figure out what my plans are moving forward after high school.