Ellie Fife
“Some things that make me happy right now are going on walks with my friends and playing soccer, even though we can’t really do any contact right now, but just being on the field has helped. I have some really close friends on my team and they are helping a lot because we keep each other motivated and we want to work on our own. I would say not seeing each other as much is hard, but also when you do see each other it is a bigger connection than it would if you saw them every single day.”
About the Writer

Sana Schaden, Web Editor-in-Chief
Sana Schaden is a senior at CHS. This is her 6th semester on staff, and first semester as Web Editor in Chief. When she is not in room 300 writing and editing articles, Sana spends her time on the tennis courts, filling her sketchbooks with artwork, listening to Spotify, studying at a coffee shop, or spending time with friends and family. As a Peer Educator for Planned Parenthood, Sana also strives to find the intersection between her activism work and her journalism.