Lila Ryan
“I’m really stressed out with school and I feel like the transition from an online school to getting in-person is kind of jarring — especially going from sophomore year to junior year. Since I’m always going from place to place and having after-school activities, managing my time is a lot harder. I really miss having Wednesdays off. My Wednesdays normally consisted of waking up an hour later than normal and spending the entire day baking. I normally would wake up at 8 for COVID school, so on Wednesdays, I’d wake up at 9 or 9:30. By 11, I was cooking. I made all kinds of things. I remember the first time it snowed, I made croissants. I made them the night before because you have to let them sit in the freezer. The next day I was up at 6 a.m. to put them in the oven so we could have them for breakfast. I would go to my grandpa’s house because I had a family member pass and I would spend time with him. I really got to connect with my family — he really likes having people around because he lives alone now. I am really gonna miss that because I don’t really have time anymore”