Picture This: Nadya Matish
“This is a picture of me at my first birthday party. I was like a little baby, and my moms gave me this cake, and I just looked at it like, “what am I supposed to do with this?” I did not want to eat it. I don’t know why. I was just like a grumpy baby apparently. Well [my moms] said during the party I apparently woke up from a nap and they brought me out and I was just like, ‘what is happening, there’s so many people, why are they all here?’ Little babies have the cake that they smash, but I just didn’t want to get messy. I don’t want to smash the cake, it’s a cake. I’m told that I was just kind of practical [as a baby] like, why should I smash this cake? It’s a cake. I was just kind of like, ‘what are you guys doing? Why are you making me do this? Why do you want me to smile all the time?’”