Picture This: Alex Mercier
“This photo was taken when I went to Montreal in 2019 for my first international competition for diving. That is one of the most interesting trips I’ve ever taken because I’d never been to another French speaking country, outside of France. And obviously, its a really different culture that also spoke the same language even though it was it felt like a different dialect. Because it was just so different, speaking wise. I even failed a dive because I didn’t understand what dive they told me. I should have mentioned that I was there over Thanksgiving break because Canada doesn’t have Thanksgiving when we do. I was able to go to the meet because we had the break off. And we ended up walking around. I don’t even know where we were. Downtown Montreal somewhere. And the buildings were really traditional which was really pretty. I really like traditional style buildings, especially on the outside. And I was taking pictures and I took this one. And I really liked the color combinations with the orange and the way that the sky looked purple, but it was cloudy.”