Why Are You in CET?
Community Ensemble Theater (CET) is currently working on their spring musical Pippin. Jasmine Lowenstein, a senior at CHS, has been in CET since her freshman year.
Lowenstein started theater in second grade and has stuck with it ever since. Her favorite role that she had played was Miss Hannigan from the hit musical “Annie” in fourth grade.
She has always loved the show Pippin ever since she was a little kid; She has memories of singing along to the music at a young age.
“I love the plot and I think it’s a really genius and creative way to tie in a lot of messages.” Lowenstein said.
Leila Durrie, a freshman, is in her second semester of CET and also loves the music from Pippin. Durrie loves the CET community and the fact that she has a space and friends both in and out of school.
“I noticed how much more community based it is,” Durrie said. “It’s not just getting the work done. You make friends with everyone and I love that. It’s also at your school, so you see everyone throughout the day too.”
Durrie loves theater and the feeling of performing, along with the people involved.
“I just love the feeling of being on stage and storytelling to an audience and inspiring them or just entertaining them for the amount of time they come to see a show.” Durrie said.
Similarly to Durrie, Jacob Kosnik, a sophomore at CHS, is also in his first year of CET; Pippin will be his first production.
However, this is not Kosnik’s first production. He has been in and out of theater since he was in eighth grade.
“I’d say I have a fair amount [of theater experience.]” Kosnik said. “I have maybe half a dozen productions under my belt.”
Kosnik doesn’t just act, he is also a writer. He’s written four, 20 minute plays, and gravitates towards plays because of his inability to write music. Kosnik cites Wicked as an inspiration for his writing.
“It’s definitely my favorite musical,” Kosnik said.“I just think it’s writing is really good and stuff. And just the characters are awesome. Really shed some new light on the Wizard of Oz.”
Previously, staying at home during the pandemic for remote learning had prevented Kosnik from joining the cast earlier. Now, finally given the opportunity, he expressed great excitement with Pippin..
“This [year in CET] has definitely met and most probably exceeded my expectations,” Kosnik said. “It’s been really fun so far with the help of some pretty amazing people.”