If Money Were No Object, What Would You Be When You Grow Up?
Lila Fetter
“I definitely would be an actor or performer, because that’s where my passion lies. Specifically with singing and writing my own songs. If I could just go to tour the country and perform at really small clubs for audiences of 20 people that would be the dream or, just do community theater and be able to do that as a profession that would be totally ideal. That’s my favorite thing to do. And I already want to do something like that, but it would have to be on a larger scale. Which would have its perks, but I’ve never wanted to be famous necessarily. And a lot of the success in those industries comes from everyone knowing your name and I’ve seen documentaries of celebrities who have people surrounding their homes and everything. That’s not the kind of thing I want. So I would love if money didn’t matter in terms of my profession. But, dreams are what can keep us going.”
Margot Donoghue
“I would like to buy clothes from the thrift store and then fix them, or, do stuff to them. I’ll sew them, stuff like that. I just think it’s fun. And I enjoy it so I would be happy doing that as a career, I don’t think I could do that as a career if money was a factor because I wouldn’t make enough money. So right now my plan is to major in psychology, and then go into forensic psychology.”

Gabbi Anderson
“I think I’d do what I want to do anyway. I want to become an engineer and then I want to try to work in car racing like Formula One, because I really like it. I really love the cars and the whole design aspect of it. It’s crazy to me that people can build cars that go over 200 miles per hour and then, you can crash and within 20 minutes, they’ll have a new car to go out. I think it’s really fascinating. It’s really hard to achieve though because it is the most elite level of motorsport in the world. I want to try it though. It seems really fun. Everything is so expensive now. People will purposely choose a career path that will make them a lot of money. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that they actually enjoy doing it. Somebody really might want to be an artist, but, unless you’re super famous, you’re not going to make that much money. So it wouldn’t be your main career path. It might be a hobby, but it wouldn’t be anything more than that. So [money] limits people.”