Picture This: Adebay Rosczyk
“This is a photo of the botanical Arboretum, I think it’s South Campus for the U of M. I chose this photo because it was just really open and scenic. I really liked all the plants they were growing there. They had a small exhibit that’s been closed for a really long time. My parents and I were really excited to go see the bonsai. It was interesting going by and looking at how old they are.”
About the Writer

Clara Freeth, Print Editor-in-Chief
This is Clara's third year on staff, her second as an Editor-in-Chief. When she's not in room 300 or at the Huron turf for field hockey or lacrosse practice, she can be found wandering around her neighborhood listening to one of her carefully curated playlists or living out her secret life as Hannah Montana — but don't tell anyone. This year, she is one-fifth of the print team and couldn't be more excited for what is ahead!