“My father is someone who I’m very connected to. I feel so connected to him because he has always done so much for me to make me feel happy. I remember one time, when I was nine, while I was obsessed with the minions, I told my dad that I wanted to see the minions at Universal Studios. My dad had just gotten back from work and was very tired, but he drank three five-hour energy drinks and drove me to Florida in one night, just so I could see the minions. This moment has always stuck with me because it shows how devoted my dad is to me, and I think it’s so special that he dropped everything he was doing so he could do something just for me. Even though so much has changed since I was little, my dad continues to go out of his way to do so much for me.”
Our Turn: Eva Millwood
Elijah Makman-Levinson
February 14, 2024
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About the Contributor

Elijah Makman-Levinson, Journalist
Elijah Makman-Levinson is a Junior, and this is his second semester on staff. He loves all parts of journalism, from interviewing people to hear their stories, to writing articles, to the feeling of pride when you get to see your work published! Outside of school, he can be found practicing the piano, playing the clarinet, listening to music, or reading. He loves so many random things, from sea turtles, to zodiac signs, to taro milk tea. He is so excited to be starting his second semester on staff, and is looking forward to all the madness and excitement which will go on in Room 300 this year!