a) “One thing I didn’t notice until my son was older happened when I went with a friend of mine who had a grandson who was about maybe a year old and he was going to babysit for his grandson for a few hours we were hanging out and then it was lunchtime so we worked together to put the baby in the high chair, to put on the bib, get the food warmed up, and feed it to the baby, and it was so easy. I know a lot of times when people have a partner or parenting partner they still end up doing some of that stuff by themselves but it was all the time for me. I was doing all of that stuff by myself.”
b) “What I can say is that for a large part of my life, I’ve struggled with learning how to control the things I can, let go of the things I can’t control, and allow other people to learn their own lessons. And I need to just kind of sit back and let that happen. It’s like I want to tell you what to do and how to do it because I have experience; I know this, but it’s not my place. And I know other people have done that with me, you know, have allowed me to learn my lessons in whatever way I needed to learn them.”