“I think ‘I love you’ means that I care about the person I’m saying it to the fullest extent of my capabilities, and I appreciate them being here. It means that I respect them and value them. When I tell my parents that I love them, that’s me showing gratitude and being grateful that they’re there and that they’ve given me all that they have. That goes for anyone who’s ever helped me. I say ‘I love you’ to my friends all the time, and I’ll give them a hug too. For me, that’s an essential part of part of friendship. When someone tells me that they love me, it feels good, but it can feel awkward too. If I don’t love the person who said it, I usually just say ‘thank you.’”
Humans of Community: Ryan Grant
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About the Contributors

Lucia Page Sander, Print Editor-in-Chief
This is Lucia’s seventh semester on staff, fourth as an Editor-in-Chief, and second as a Print Editor-in-Chief. When she’s not playing soccer for the Michigan Jaguars, competing for Lily Weightlifting or enjoying her many responsibilities at CHS, you can find her in the Huron River, on the phone with last year’s EICs or jumping on her mini trampoline. Lucia loves surfing, watermelon, all things agriculture and is in the process of learning how to enjoy long-distance running and predict the weather using clouds. She is anticipating a spectacular final year at Community and The Communicator’s helm.

Clara Freeth, Print Editor-in-Chief
This is Clara’s third year on staff, her second as an Editor-in-Chief. When she’s not in room 300 or at the Huron turf for field hockey or lacrosse practice, she can be found wandering around her neighborhood listening to one of her carefully curated playlists or living out her secret life as Hannah Montana — but don’t tell anyone. This year, she is one-fifth of the print team and couldn’t be more excited for what is ahead!

Leila Durrie, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
Leila is happy to be back for her third and (sadly) final year on Communicator! When not at school, you can find her working her cafe job, studying Spanish at umich, being her younger sisters personal chauffeur, or doing theater. She also enjoys traveling, being outdoors, concerts, thrifting, and spending time with friends. She loves multimedia and is excited to work with everyone to make Social Media and all Communicator publications super great this year!!