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The Communicator

“Percy Jackson and The Olympians” Review

After eleven years and 2 mediocre movies, the “Percy Jackson” franchise finally releases a new show, and it’s phenomenal.
“Percy Jackson and the Olmypians” TV show cover from Disney+.

I, like many others, read the well-renowned book series “Percy Jackson” as a kid. Since then, there have been two movies made, and truthfully, they were horrible. They completely strayed from the original text, changed the characters’ personas and the acting was just so fake. So, starting the show with a bad history, I thought that the show would be alright at most, but oh boy, how I was wrong.

Packed with personality and perfect book-to-screen adaption, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” mainly focuses on, well, Percy Jackson. As a 12-year-old boy who’s grown up hearing the stories of Greek gods and monsters, he’s seen things others didn’t, making him think there’s something wrong with him. After a disastrous field trip, his mom, Sally, takes him to a beach where he finds out he’s the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Soon after, he gets attacked by a minotaur and after barely avoiding death, he wakes up at Camp Half-Blood, a place for children like him: half god, half human, and tasked with the quest of retrieving Zeus’s stolen lightning bolt with his new friends to prevent an all out war between the gods.

The show is acted out flawlessly, with the actors of Percy and his friends embodying their characters both on and off-screen. Scobell Walker perfectly executed Percy’s personality as a sassy, funny and brave main character, Leah Jeffries basically being Annabeth on scene and in real life with her skepticism and her sarcasm and Aryan Simhadri, playing Grover, stealing the show for me many times with his genuine emotions and comedic relief. The chemistry the three have is meant to be, as well as an amazingly skilled cast of supporting characters as well. 

The visuals are stunning, the special effects, the scenery, the props, all of it. Camp Half-Blood, Percy’s new home, is crafted masterfully with its chaotic and calm parts. Each cabin, representing the 12 gods of Olympus, have their unique colors and designs which make them so appealing to look at. The environment of the show is beautiful, providing contrast between places like Medusa’s house in the forest and the bustling streets of Los Angeles.

Even though this show is catered more towards a younger audience, it was still very enjoyable. While being similar to the books, there was that little needed bit of originality. To anyone looking to watch a new show, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” is perfect with it’s amount of action and fun that everyone will enjoy.

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About the Contributor
Wilson Zheng
Wilson Zheng, Journalist
Wilson is a sophomore and entering his second semester on staff. When he's not at school doing work in the library, you can find him playing video games and melodies on his piano. Wilson is looking forward to advancing as both a writer and photographer this year.

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