The Communicator

The Communicator

The Communicator

1999 – Joey Badda$$: Album Review

“This is urgent.” – Joey Badda$$
Joey Bada$$ “1999” album cover.

“1999” by Joey Bada$$ is your VIP pass to ‘meet the artist’; Joey’s conversational tone allows listeners to relate to him on a personal level. His messages are clear because he speaks like a friend. Throughout “1999” Joey discusses such impactful topics as government corruption, police brutality, systemic racism and the loss of loved ones. Featuring beats from MF DOOM and verses from Chuck Strangers, Kirk Knight and CJ Fly, “1999” is a truly timeless album.

The album opens with “Summer Knights” where you find yourself in Joey’s studio, laughing with friends and messing around with the recording gear. As Joey introduces the producers and features, you sit back and watch the music come together in front of you.

With a flow that can only be described as “butter,” Joey gradually opens up and begins speaking with a determined conviction. He makes you feel exactly what he’s feeling. “1999” takes listeners on an emotional roller coaster. At times making you feel like you can take over the world (“World Domination”) and, at others, making you wish that the world would change (“Hardknock”).

“Don’t you confide into the evil and corrupt,” Joey says, “This is urgent.”

He describes our country’s dire situation: “‘They corruptin’ the youth,” Joey says, “Lookin’ at the President like, ‘it must be nothin’ to you’.”

Joey believes that the government is responsible for the cyclical poverty that black communities find themselves in. He explains that they’ve put guns in the hands of children, all to keep the system in place.
As Joey finds himself in a position to receive a college education, he reflects upon those around him who will never get the chance. “It’s like we’ve been content with losin’,” Joey says, “Half our students fallen victim to the institution.”

“1999” is a lot of fun: the beats are creative, the songs are consistently catchy, and Joey’s lyricism is unmatched. However, its real significance cannot be overlooked; “1999” is an earnest reminder of the injustices of our current government.

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About the Contributors
Malcolm London
Malcolm London, Journalist
Malcolm is an aspiring journalist with a passion for the greater good. By day, he writes articles and performs for the Community Ensemble Theatre. By night, he fights crime and commits admirable acts of heroism. With the shadows as his only ally, Malcolm has single-handedly turned the crime-riddled streets of Ann Arbor into a joyful utopia. This is his first year on staff.
Jack Lewis
Jack Lewis, Journalist
Jack Lewis is a sophomore at Community High School. This is his second year on the yearbook staff. He is very interested in photography and design. Outside of school, he enjoys playing with his dog, playing video games and reading.

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