The Communicator

The Communicator

The Communicator

100 Word Memoir – Elle McCreadie

A story featuring connection and friendship.
Luca Hinesman

“Cool heart sunglasses,” I said. She smiled at me. I knew Jacqueline from around school, but I didn’t really know her. Still, she was a familiar face in this unfamiliar classroom. I’d never had a reason to be in Room 300 before this, but my friend convinced me Yearbook would be fun, so here I am. Inside, my stomach is knotted. I’m anxious this class won’t work out for me, but it’s only the first day so I try to relax. Surprisingly, talking with Jacqueline was the easiest thing I’d done all day. Maybe I could get to know her.

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About the Contributor
Elle McCreadie
Elle McCreadie, Journalist
Elle is a junior at CHS and this is her first year on staff. Outside of room 300, you can find her playing guitar in her room, drinking a matcha latte, or contemplating buying concert tickets. Elle loves spending time with family and friends, swimming in lakes up north, and doing absolutely anything involving music. She is super excited to see what this year in Journalism brings!

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