Thanksgiving Break Plans 2024
Students and staff are asked about this week’s thanksgiving break.
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About the Contributors

Jake Williams, A&E Editor
Jake Williams is a senior at Pioneer High School and Community High School and is in his 3rd semester on staff. When not in school he spends his time building sets for PTG, coaching flag football at Wide World Sports Center, hanging out with his friends, watching movies, listening to music and playing video games. He is super excited to spend another year on staff and can't wait to write all things A&E.

Lukas Dinkelmann, Journalist
My name is Lukas. I have 2 siblings who are old. I have a dog. I like to hang out with friends and take pictures.

Leila Durrie, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
Leila is happy to be back for her third and (sadly) final year on Communicator! When not at school, you can find her working her cafe job, studying Spanish at umich, being her younger sisters personal chauffeur, or doing theater. She also enjoys traveling, being outdoors, concerts, thrifting, and spending time with friends. She loves multimedia and is excited to work with everyone to make Social Media and all Communicator publications super great this year!!