The push for healthier foods in the U.S. means consumers are increasingly interested in what goes into the drinks and snacks available on store shelves. Of primary concern to many advocates of a cleaner food supply is the use of artificial food dyes.
The history of food coloring in the U.S. dates back to the 1880s, when their use was authorized in the production of butter and cheese. Since that time, the use of artificial dyes has increasingly dominated our grocery supply. From Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to Kool-Aid, shopping for snacks can feel like navigating a rainbow of artificial hues, where vibrant colors are more common than natural ingredients.
However, it isn’t just the unnatural look of artificial food dye that makes me and many others want them out of lunch boxes across America; they pose a grave health risk for all, and introducing an alternative should be a top priority for our government. Yet, foods, and even medicines, with these chemicals remain readily available.
Beginning with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) of 1938, many artificial dyes are now labeled and regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) using their color followed by a unique number assigned to them at registration. For example, one of the most commonly used additives in the U.S. is known as Red 40, a red-colored dye introduced in 1971 and used in products ranging from strawberry milk to chewing gum.
Despite the FDA deeming dyes like Red 40 and Yellow 5 “safe for consumption,” many health scientists have criticized their continued tolerance in the U.S., noting that their use has been curtailed elsewhere. In the European Union, many dyes were banned as early as 1978, while others were forced to carry a warning label.
According to the National Institutes of Health, Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 have been found to contain benzene, a known carcinogen or cancer-causing substance.
Although these additives contain only trace amounts of benzene, a similar, petroleum-made dye known as Red 3 has been proven to cause thyroid cancer in animals, resulting in its ban from cosmetics in 1990. Just a few days ago, on Jan. 15, 2024, the FDA also banned Red 3 from being used in all food and beverages.
In addition to cancer risks, Cleveland Clinic explains that some studies also show a link between dyes and increased ADHD in children. The Clinic also notes that there is still much more research to be done.
Yet, why have a risk at all? Natural-based dyes, such as those derived from carrots and taro, or even dyes derived from turmeric that are now being used in countries like Norway, are completely safe and accessible. And they offer colors that look like they could be found in nature rather than a concoction of chemicals.
Moreover, if major revelations about dyes like Red 3 are only coming to light in 2025, it suggests that there are likely many more alarming discoveries yet to be uncovered about similar products.
No amount of color is worth putting the lives of American citizens at risk, especially when the product at hand doesn’t change the taste, texture, or smell of the food we put in our mouths. What it does impact, though, is the way we perceive it on store shelves.
Manufacturers need these dyes to make their products more colorful and thus more attractive to grocery shoppers, especially children. In fact, many of these products—such as candy and snacks—target children directly with their marketing.
It is unacceptable that big corporations are allowed to continue capitalizing off of young children who likely don’t understand the implications or risks of what they put in their bodies, especially when those things that are supposed to protect them, like medicine.
Our society often relies on parents to make informed decisions about what their kids consume, but when half of the food products contain these harmful dyes, going through each item is too much of a struggle for families simply trying to get by.
Given the growing evidence of health risks linked to artificial food dyes, it is time for the government to stop worrying about whether a social media platform is stealing our information and start worrying about what will actually harm Americans.
FDA regulations have been slow to respond to consumers’ interest in dye-free foods. But power remains in the hands of the consumers. According to a research study conducted by Global Market Insights Inc., the natural food colors market valuation is predicted to cross $13 billion by 2032.
By selecting products that are free from artificial coloring, we have the ability to send a message to Hershey, Frito-Lay, and other manufacturers who continue to use these dyes. Together, we can be the catalyst for a safer, healthier food environment.