Returning from a memorable season Community High School’s mock trial team embarks on another season with aspirations to match and surpass last year’s success. After defeating Kalamazoo in the state finals last year, Community had earned a spot in the national tournament. Unfortunately the team’s lack of experience at the national level led to a disappointing placement: 39th. With a new season in front of them and the taste of the national competition still in their mouths, the team returned with a renewed tenacity to tackle this year’s state tournament and have another run at nationals.
The CHS mock trial program is competing as two teams again this year: the A team and the B team. The A team is made up of Elise Wander, Michelle Grifka, Garrett Wood, Max Lewis, Michael Savage, Cooper DePriest, Shadi Ahmadmehrabi, Eli Sugerman, and Tressa Stapleton. The B team is comprised of Dan Roy, Isaac Fink, Galen Burrell, Yasaf Warshai, Rianna Johnson-Levy, Julia Karr, Leah Penner, Jeremy Simon, Gabe Hillebrand and Kelsey Teribery. Team alternates are Jonah Ahuvia, Kanako Fujioka, Preston Horvath, Adam Mannheim, Kelsey Moran, Nate Porter, Gil Eisbruch, and Bethany Wang. Community also boasts a plethora of wonderful coaches. Led by head coach Cheryl Grace, the mock trial team also receives help from Bob West, a local attorney, Griff Dick, an attorney coach, Billy Ochberg, theater coach, Dan Dormer, former CHS student, mock trial alumni, Chloe Root, and an array of volunteers that serve as guest judges and advisors.
This year’s case revolves around an incident of cyber-stalking in the fictitious town of Clearwater, MI. Jamie Anderson, played by Cooper DePriest and Jeremy Simon, is suing Taylor Williams, played by Tressa Stapleton and Leah Penner, for damages caused by Williams’ cyber-stalking.
The state tournament draws traditionally from two regional tournaments: Pontiac and Grand Rapids. However, in response to approximately 20 new teams joining the the Michigan Mock Trial Tournament from the Detroit Area, a new, third region has been added. Forty teams will compete in the Pontiac regional, including Community High, and six will move on to states. Ten teams will compete for three spots from the Grand Rapids area and for the first time in the tournament’s history, twenty teams will compete in Detroit for a spot in the state competition.
To prepare for competition, the Community teams have been working on case theories and examinations during practice up to four times a week. As they approach the regional tournament on Saturday, March 12th, practice times will continue to ramp up. The practice schedule is quickly transitioning from resembling the standard high school extra curricular to a Division One sport when it hits top gear before states. The practice week before the regional tournament consists of full trial scrimmages Monday through Thursday with a final scrimmage on March 11 in Judge Archie Brown’s courtroom.
The Eastern Regional tournament will be held in Pontiac on Saturday March 12th. The competition will be held in the Oakland County Courthouse. The first trial will commence at 8:30 a.m. and will continue to progress through based upon the results of the morning trials. For more information contact Cheryl Grace at