Pi Day
On March 14, students lined up along the second floor at Community High School, awaiting their sweet surprise. At the end of the long line were tables covered with pies of all shapes, sizes and flavors. Teachers and administrators were behind the tables ready to serve hungry students the variety of pies. They were ready to uphold the annual CHS tradition of Pi Day.
The celebration didn’t come without its mathematical and historical significance. Ever since the Greek mathematician Archimedes discovered that the ratio of a circle’s circumference to diameter was consistent, it has caused worldwide love for the irrational number represented by the Greek letter pi (π). Just like many schools and students throughout the world, Community celebrated International Pi Day by consuming the delicious dessert that sounds just like the number.
Pi Day does not go unnoticed at Community High. “Lots of advertising goes out, and dozens or maybe even hundreds of kids bring in pie,” said Craig Levin, a math teacher at CHS. “We have a big pie fiesta!” And there’s no better way to describe it: students serve themselves every type of pie imaginable for free, and there’s usually extras. “There’s always pie,” Levin said. However, the tradition of teachers getting pied in the face was not able to happen this year due to lack of organization.
Of course, students brought in pies, and many of them, such as CHS Freshman Andie Tappenden, enjoyed making them. And the extra credit alongside with it didn’t hurt either. “I made a summer berry pie,” said Tappenden. “It just had berries.” Alongside her summer berry pie, there were apple pies, cherry pies, pecan pies, pumpkin pies and Craig’s favorite, chocolate pies.
When lunch came, the line managed to stretch all the way to the back lawn doors. That didn’t discourage students from joining the line and spending time waiting for their pie. Students’ faces lit up when they had their first glances at the array of pies, as they quickly grabbed forks and plates for their pie. It was easy to find a student with pie roaming the hallways afterwards. Finally at the end of lunch, the majority of pies were already gobbled up by the students. As fifth block began, the sun set on yet another successful Pi Day, and a new age of waiting for next year’s started up once again.