Potential Art Show at the Neutral Zone
Ceramic sculptures on display.
On April 22 2017, the Neutral Zone opened up their annual Potential Art exhibit. Every year this gallery showcases artwork by 90 high schoolers from 13 high schools across Washtenaw county. Work displayed varies from sculptures to oil paintings to jewelry. 2017 marks the 35th year this juried exhibit has been held. The gallery will be on display until Thursday, April 27nd and is open from 2:00 to 6:00 daily. Admission to the gallery is free however you can choose to donate to the Neutral Zone if you wish. Community students featured are: Lydia Stevens, Olivia Comai, Alec Redding, Grace Jensen, Sophia Swan, Sylvia Gabriel, Thea Rowe, Emma Zielinski, Chloe Di Blassio, and James McKeown.
About the Writer

Caitlin Mahoney, Visual Managing Editor
Caitlin is a very stressed senior. When she actually has free time she enjoys long naps on the couch, fine dining at McDonald’s, and spending time with her pets (Pete the horse, Marvin the cat, and Ziggy the cat who doesn’t really act like a cat). She watches an unhealthy amount of TV but doesn’t seem to care about that much. She also really enjoys photography and admiring her record player more than actually using it.