Fifty push ups a day keep the college applications away

Fifty push ups a day keep the college applications away

Upon entering the counseling office, you are greeted by a wall of sticky notes. These sticky notes are a new project the counselors have undertaken, just one part of the huge workload during this college application season. What could they find so important to add to the already vast to-do list? Push-ups, of course.

All inhabitants of the counseling office have joined in a pact to do 50 push-ups a day. Split into 5 intervals of 10, so far the agreement has held up. Amy even claims the challenge may expand to 60 a day within the week. Gretchen and Brian both expressed that all are welcome and that they “accept strays”.

Obviously, the push-ups are not at the forefront of any member of the counseling staff’s mind, but they do serve an important purpose. They not only little by little help you get in shape, but the push-ups also provide a much-needed escape from this hectic and wild time that teachers and seniors experience alike.

With the November 1st deadline looming, many are feeling the pressure. Seniors are scrambling to finish college applications and teachers are just wrapping up letters of recommendation. Upon asking about their current workload, Amy said, “Yesterday I finished 10 letters”.

This deadline is no joke. The counseling office has taken a great approach to a difficult time by slowing things down and giving themselves a much-needed break. Although Gretchen and Brian were joking about others joining, the need for a break is quite obvious. Lucky for them, the end is almost near.

With only a week left of college visits and Nov. 1st quickly approaching, it’s almost time to celebrate. Soon enough, college applications will be out of sight, out of mind. However, one question remains. Will the counseling office continue its pledge to do 50 push-ups a day or will the end of college applications mean the end of their agreement?