Alex Davis
“What’s my identity and place in society, is really hard. Finding what makes me me and how that is beneficial to other people, is difficult to write about. I’ve only got one or two more essays to do, my concern is that once I get them done my parents will be like “okay Alex, lets get them edited”. Then I do those changes and they proofread it again and it’s just a constant cycle, reading and proofreading, it’s just a lot of work. I’ve probably got around seven[colleges to apply to], and I’ve completed five, but I’m concerned with getting them done.

Josh Boland is a senior and in his second year on the Communicator staff. Josh has a great interest in photography which he devotes lots of time to doing. He also enjoys playing soccer, watching sports with friends, and traveling. Josh is hoping to attend a college with great student media opportunities and good athletic programs which he can photograph.