CHS garden final harvest
The CHS garden has just finished its growing season. Although there is still a little kale, swiss chard and carrots in the garden, harvesting is done for the year. The remaining carrots are covered in mulch to protect them through the winter, and kale and swiss chard are hardy plants that should be able to survive even negative temperatures. But because the garden coordinators were worried about the particular hardiness of their varieties, most of the kale, swiss chard and carrots were picked and placed in the main office.
Mosher forum, which has done much of the garden building, got a large number of carrots to eat. All the tomatoes, even the green ones, have been picked. They should ripen if left in the sun, or are great for green tomato dishes from fried green tomatoes (as the Haidu-Banks forum is doing) to green tomato chutney (the destination of the green cherry tomatoes). A few bunches of parsley also made their way into the harvest bowl. The remaining peppers were also harvested, and although also green, they should be ready to eat as is.
The ornamental flowers were left in the garden; their seed heads will be collected come spring.
The garden was designed last spring, and since then six beds have been built, filled, planted, watered and harvested. It is hoped that a similar expansion can happen next spring, but until then, the garden will be in stasis.