PTO Organizes Gift Distribution for Community High Seniors

Community high school’s PTO has organized a gift distribution for senior students. The gifts are meant to be individualized to student interests, for example, a t-shirt or gift card to a local bookstore. The distribution will take place on March 21-27, April 18-24, and May 16-22 and families will be matched with students relative to their geographical location. It has been a tough year for everyone, especially seniors.
“I feel like it would be nice to have some kind of award,” said senior Mori Ono. “Obviously I don’t think I’m entitled to that but I think it would just be nice, so I signed up.”
Parents and teachers are really hoping to help students realize that they are not alone this year.
“We wondered what we as a PTO could kind of do to really make the seniors feel special and loved and know that we see them,” said PTO vice president, Keri Bruggink. “It can be for some seniors just as simple as a little brightening their day.”