“Stop Calling The Police On Me” Review
Image courtesy of instagram.com/p/CW_lij9PziL/
The album cover for “Stop Calling The Police On Me.”
Indie artist Dreamer Isioma has only been producing music since 2017, but their popularity has skyrocketed. One of Isioma’s most popular songs is “Stop Calling The Police On Me,” second only to his song “Sensitive,” that went viral on TikTok. They released the song on Nov. 6, 2020, as a precursor to their sophomore E.P. Their airy, relaxed vocals don’t detract from the intensity of his message. The consistently rhythmic track behind their words makes the song easy to listen to and catchy while focusing on serious themes.
Isioma is a Black, genderfluid individual, and the meaning of the song is exactly what it sounds like: stop calling the police on him and all Black people.
“It’s basically the cute version of f*ck the police,” Isioma said in an interview with Nylon Magazine.
The lyrics speak to the message Isioma wants to send about racial bias. They detail how others couldn’t ever understand the experiences of Black people and how the police “are not the help [they] need.”
“Stop calling the police on me
This is not the help I need no
You don’t live the life I lead
You don’t see the path I see no
You don’t breathe the air I breathe
We’re on different frequencies”
Isioma’s light, indie sound takes a hard pill to swallow and makes it digestible to the masses. The song has millions of streams across all listening platforms and nearly 100,000 views on the music video. “Stop Calling The Police On Me” is short yet powerful, and will quickly make its way onto listeners’ playlists.