“A Few Good Things” Review
Chicago-based rapper Saba explores the contrast between an impoverished past and a financially-free future, while also diving into his overall growth as an artist, in his third studio album “A Few Good Things.”
The album has noticeable similarities to his critically acclaimed record “CARE FOR ME,” released in 2018. Featuring some of Saba’s most personal tracks, “CARE FOR ME” is presented as one long eulogy for his dead cousin. Saba used “CARE FOR ME” as a space to dive into his own constant struggles relating to his past and his relationship with his cousin. In “A Few Good Things,” Saba delivers personal lyrics while focusing more on his current state and how it relates to who he was.
Compared to his previous two records, “A Few Good Things” is easily the softest of the three. More melodically focused, Saba consistently uses a soothing and gentle voice, which can be seen in songs like “Circus” and “Still.” In the album opener “Free Samples,” Saba dives into his current status and how what he has become relates to who he was. “Make Believe” is an emotionally intense track that falls near the end of the album, in which Saba plays audio of his mother’s voice and describes what it is like for his dreams to become reality. Halfway through the track, the soft and cozy background shifts to a louder and more beat-oriented sound, while Saba’s lyrics shift to his personal struggle dealing with the pressure of his current fame. In the final track “Few Good Things,” the overall themes of the album get tied up and it functions perfectly as a conclusion to the project.
This album proves that Saba is undeniably beginning to cultivate his own sound. When looking back at his first studio album “Bucket List Project,” it’s clear to see how much he has grown past his influences and blossomed over the years. While “CARE FOR ME” will likely still stand as his best work to most listeners, there’s no doubt that this album is a step in the right direction for Saba.