“My mom was German. And so there were certain dishes of hers that even today like if I eat it or if I could buy it, it just brings all kinds of memories back because she has passed away. So things like German potato salad or Pflaumenkuchen, which is plum cake, or a lot of certain dishes that were for special occasions. So it’s sort of like Thanksgiving but instead it was family traditions and special food that she would make for special occasions and stuff. So our entire family, when one of us ends up getting it or making it we’ll take pictures of it and send it to each of our siblings. So it’s still very special and dear to all of us. Every my parents house was always the hub for Thanksgiving. And I was the youngest. So my siblings were much older. They moved away and then they would come back and Thanksgiving. And it was it wasn’t just a place where we ate it was a place that we gathered and play games. And my mom did all the cooking. And it’s just lots of good memories of being with family. And my parents have since passed away. So I miss that gathering and so anytime I eat or see food, similar to what my mom used to make, it just brings me back to those times when we gathered together.”
Humans of Community: Lisa Durham
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About the Contributors

Kate Groves, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
Kate Groves is a senior at Community High School, and this is her second year on staff. In her free time, she loves listening to music, participating in musical theater, reading, and being outside. She is so excited to be a Social Media EIC this year and looks forward to what the year will bring!

Kyrie Garwood, Sports Editor
Kyrie is a senior at Community and is in her second year on staff. When she’s not at CHS you can probably find her at Pioneer where she dives, plays basketball, and plays softball. On the rare occasion she’s not at Pioneer she enjoys going to the movies with friends, playing Euchre, and working as a lifeguard at Vet’s Pool. Kyrie is eager to continue to write and share important stories about those in our community.