The forums’ goal was set: to do their best at Field Day. But unlike the past few years, there wasn’t Tug of War or a mile run during late Spring at Del- hi Metropark. Instead, it was during a crisp fall morning and CHS was split between three lo- cations: the newly-opened back lawn, Wheeler Park and River- side Park.
The opening game: students had to pass a ball from one end of a line to the other — but only using their feet.
The Fall Field Day, spear- headed by CHS teacher Ryan Silvester after discussions in Fo- rum Council, featured different games than that of the spring. The day took place on Sept. 27, a day that would’ve been a half day, however, some felt that tak- ing the half day to let forums bond through Field Day would be time better spent.
“Fall Field Day gets forums to bond early in the year instead of waiting for the spring,” said Courtney Kiley, Forum leader and teacher. “To get that com- radery and stuff going early.”
In recent years, the Spring Field Day is also seniors’ last day, cutting short the time the whole forum can spend togeth- er. While Spring Field Day fea- tures a school-wide tug of war, relay races and a mile run, the Fall Field Day features games that Silvester learned through his time counseling Interlochen for Huron High School.

Unlike the Spring Field Day, the games weren’t meant to be as competitive but rather to get
students to spend time with each other. Kiley liked the re- duced competition, feeling that getting students to have a good time is more important.
“It was more just, go out there be goofy and have fun,” Kiley said. At her forum’s loca- tion, Riverside Park, cheating occurred throughout several games, however Kiley, who con- siders herself a competitive per- son, didn’t really mind. “If you need to hold onto a ball with your hand when you’re run- ning, it doesn’t really matter.”
During the day, Kiley took notice that many students did seem to be having fun, laughing and spending time with each other and not on their phones. She considers the Fall Field Day to be a success and hopes the tradition continues.
Silvester also hopes to keep the Fall Field Day in future years.
“It’s a great opportunity to get outside because the weather is nice and kind of a refresher,” Silvester said. “It’s a really fun time to be together. That bond- ing element goes with the way that we’ve been focusing on fo- rum this year.”
“It was a real crisp fall day, the weather held out for us and I saw the majority of kids laugh- ing and smiling, and like you’re kind of forced to be goofy, but everyone has to be goofy,” Kiley said. “And there were very few kids are on their cell phones. I saw a lot of smiling and very few cell phones, so I think it went well. I had a lot of fun.”