“I am connected to my nieces and nephew. I moved back to Michigan after college to really be closer to them and it was right around the time that my sister was giving birth and I’ve lived here since, so I’ve had this really sweet opportunity to watch them grow up. We have this special bond. When I don’t have kids of my own, they’re the closest thing I have to it. And so it’s also nice because you can be the fun aunt who stops over and brings cookies and takes girl trips out and about, but then when bedtime comes around and the emotions start to come out, I get to say, ‘See you soon.’ So I’m really grateful to be an aunt. It’s one of the most special things in my life. They go to Ann Arbor schools, they live right down the street from Community so I’m seeing them all the time, oftentimes doing pickup, drop off, you know, impromptu dinners and barbecues in their backyard and going to soccer games. I see them all the time.”
Humans of Community: Kelly Maveal on Connection

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About the Contributors

Daniel Ging, Photography Editor
Daniel (Danny) is a senior at CHS and this is his second year on staff, first as photography editor. His favorite part about journalism is capturing life around Ann Arbor to tell a story. When he’s not editing photos, he can be found skateboarding around town or hammocking and slacklining in parks around Ann Arbor. He enjoys photography as both a hobby and a passion with most recently picking up film photography and film development.

Jonah Klein, Midnight Sun Editor-In-Chief
This is Jonah Klein’s fourth year as a CHS journalist and designer. Starting as an introductory staff member, he worked his way up to Yearbook Design Editor and now heads the yearbook as an Editor-In-Chief. Jonah Klein is an avid traveler, jumping on every opportunity he is given to go anywhere and everywhere, capturing his ventures through photography and journaling. When not in school, he can be found working at Ricewood BBQ and working on side-design projects for organizations around Ann Arbor.