Community High Athletic Tribe, abbreviated as C.H.A.T., was created this past fall by Community High School’s personal fitness coach and athletic guru Robbie Stapleton. Robbie created C.H.A.T. for any Community High student who participates in an extracurricular sport; either at Huron, Pioneer, Skyline High Schools and even including Rec & Ed sports. In contrary to the atmosphere at the larger high schools, Pioneer and Huron, which give their star athletes close to celebrity status, Community does little to recognize its students participating in athletics. “It is great to have a place where all Community’s athletes can come together for support and advice. We are just one big jock family,” said Austin Hughes, a senior at Community.
C.H.A.T. currently has between twenty and thirty members who regularly attend the meetings. The meetings consist of a personal check in, to share individual and team accomplishments from the week. In addition to the personal check in, CHAT focuses on planning a variety of activities that include both fun gatherings and community service projects. Most recently CHAT raised close to a thousand dollars for the Y.M.C.A Strong Kids Foundation. “Community has been described as the place to go if you want to find a niche of people interested in the same things as you; that’s pretty much true for everything but sports. Until now!” said Hughes. With this in mind CHAT has emerged as an attractant to many athletes but has also been used as a tool to accomplish task in community, drawing on the aptitudes of its members. Although sports are not the most notable aspect of life at Community, it can be expected that CHAT will continue to grow as long as athletes have a common bond.