Every year, Community High School seniors kick off their second semester with a long-standing tradition: The Spork Game. Each willing participant contributes ten dollars to a prize pot and receives a spork. Seniors who still haven’t been “sporked” by graduation end up splitting the $1,000 prize, funded by over 100 participants.
“It’s just a silly way to keep people coming to school, even though senioritis is definitely starting to creep in,” said CHS senior and spork game admin, Charlotte Rotenberg. “I’ve been looking forward to this since I was a freshman.”
The rules are simple: Lose or break your spork or get “sporked,” and you’re out. A player is “sporked” when another participant tags them while they aren’t holding their spork. However, some areas, like classrooms or when you’re working, are designated spork-free zones.
“I like the tradition of the spork game and how quirky it is,” said Izzy Kraft, a CHS senior. “I’m a very competitive person, so I’m excited about that aspect. I really hope I don’t eat my words with my confidence.”
Last year, the base prize was $20, and the entry fee was $10, with 26 players winning the game and 77 players being eliminated. With 77 players being eliminated, each “kill” gives a senior approximately $10 of extra prize money.
All seniors are encouraged to join the game, making a collectively fun and memorable way to celebrate the class’s final semester at Community. Beyond the competition, the Spork Game creates a lasting bond among the senior class and some hilarious, friendly competition.
“I don’t think I’m going to last long because I am very forgetful and I fidget with stuff a lot, but I’m excited to see who wins, and I hope it’s one of my friends,” said CHS senior Maia Genisio.
To keep up with the “kills” in the 2025 spork game, follow @sporkgame2025 on Instagram!

Spork Game 2025 Official Rules by Charlotte Rotenberg
General Rules*
- Spork must be in hand (or mouth), visible, and out of pockets at all times
- Spork must be able to fall if let go of
- If a player with a visible spork touches another player who does not have a visible spork, that player is out
- If multiple players remain by graduation, money pot will be split evenly dependent on how many kills each player has (the more people you spork + the less people in = more money)
- You can not claim your prize if you do not show proof of your live spork
- Bounties can be made by anyone at any point of time and can not be revoked
- Be nice. No aggressive sporking.
- While decoration is highly encouraged, your spork must have at least two prongs and they must be visible, theoretically still has to work as a spork
- If you weren’t aware of the rule and it’s too late: talk to admins
Spork-Free Times/Zones
- If you’re not sure if somewhere is spork-free, ASSUME IT IS NOT
- Spork-free classrooms, or anywhere if a teacher specifically designates it as spork-free, even if just temporarily
- Anywhere on prom grounds
- During field day events
- Participating in a sports games/practice, whether in session or not
- Participating in a theatre production during rehearsal/performance hours
- At places of work during shift
- When a player is driving a car, even if parked at a stoplight. For the safety of students, there is a short buffer time after parking in which a student can not be sporked.
- When a player is washing their hands
- When a player is participating in a task/activity in which both hands are needed for their own safety
- While climbing/bouldering
- Educational competitions
Sporking Zones
- Players’ own homes, IF given parent/guardian permission (no breaking in!!)
- In classrooms NOT labeled spork-free
- All hallways
- In public places
- While watching sporting events
- Gyms unless exercise requires both hands for safety
- College classes
- Even if they say they are out (you can never be too sure; always spork to be safe.)
- Stealing others’ spork
- Hiding others’ sporks
- If the head of the spork or more than 1/2 of the handle breaks off
- Using a new/different spork once the game begins
- If more than two prongs are gone
- If you have an alliance with someone it will not be considered official by the spork game rules, this means you can be sporked by an ally if they so choose
- Don’t trust anyone!
- Black sporks will NOT be back
- Sporks will be $10 exact change please
- 50% of the Prize Pool will be split up evenly among finalists
- The remaining 50% of the Prize Pool will be split up based on # of kills, this means you get more money if you spork more people
Spork sales:
- Friday 1/31/ 2025
- Monday 2/3/ 2025
- Tuesday 2/4/ 2025
Spork Game starts Wednesday 2/5
Spork Game ends Friday May 30, 2025 at 7:00 (when graduation starts).